React Swiss - die schnellste Sonnenbrille der Welt.
Von hell auf dunkel in 0.1 Sekunden. Alle react Brillen werden in Wattwil in der Schweiz entwickelt und handgefertigt.
Perfektes Licht. Perfekte Sicht.
That's why we

Specialist for quick fastening solutions
Function, straightforward design and durability are the basic values that underlie all KLICKfix products.
The company Rixen & Kaul manufactures all KLICKfix adapters from the headquarter in Solingen and controls the entire process, from the initial idea through prototype construction to assembly and packaging in-house. What KLICKfix does not produce itself is manufactured by experienced suppliers according to strict specifications. With a variety of transport solutions that leave little to be desired, KLICKfix is the most widely used quick-attachment system for bicycles today.